Bing releasing over 13 million sq km of updated satellite imagery !

Bing Maps are pleased to present our new seamless base satellite imagery provided by TerraColor. This imagery has a resolution of 15 meters per pixel, providing coverage of the entire world!

High-Resolution Nadir or “Straight Down” orthophotos taken by aircraft or satellite

This new imagery will enhance overall viewer experience with Bing Maps and the Windows 8 Maps App. Experience it yourself by visiting the Windows 8 Maps App or Bing Maps. The new Top of the World imagery (pictured above) is visible from zoom levels 1-13. Zooming in deeper will reveal our high resolution satellite imagery.

Cloud Coverage

Oahu, Hawaii Before                                                                         Oahu, Hawaii After                                                                             
Bing's new base satellite layer is analyzed and processed to provide views with reduced cloud cover in areas notorious for persistent cloud cover such as high latitude and equatorial regions. More detail is now visible in these once problematic areas, as seen in this island example ! 


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